Golf course single-person reservations / competitions and discount coupons! A golf course reservation app that allows you to easily search and reserve golf courses. Check golf score analysis and golf course weather forecast!
日本最大級のゴルフポータルサイト「ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン(GDO)」のゴルフ場予約アプリです。全国2,000コース以上のゴルフ場から、条件に合ったゴルフ場の検索、予約が簡単にできます。休日に友人と行くゴルフ、1人予約で気軽にゴルフ、会社の仲間とのゴルフ、さまざまなゴルフシーンでご利用ください。◆ゴルフ場予約アプリの特徴◆1.日本最大級!全国2000コース以上のゴルフ場から24時間予約ができる2.1人予約やコンペ予約も。お好みの条件・プレースタイルでゴルフ場が探せる3.タイムセールやキャンペーンなど、お得な情報をPush通知でいち早くお届け◇ゴルフ場検索日付・エリア・料金などの基本情報に加え、プレースタイルやゴルフ場の評価など、好みに合わせて条件指定が可能。また、前回検索した条件は自動で保存されるので、簡単に同じ条件を指定して検索できます。◇ゴルフ場の1人予約同伴者の予定確認やゴルフ場選定など面倒な調整がいらない『お一人様向けのゴルフ予約サービス』。1人でも予約可能なゴルフ場を探せる検索機能がアプリにも登場しました。◇HOT PRICE(格安プレーチケット販売)お得にゴルフをしたい方のための格安プレーチケット販売サービス『HOT PRICE』。GDO限定の格安チケットを購入できます。◇おすすめコンテンツ期間限定のセール情報や読んで楽しいコンテンツを多数掲載。ゴルフ予約場選びに悩んでいる方。人気ゴルフ場ランキング・・・予約件数順やゴルフ難易度順でゴルフ場検索ができます。プレー時期におすすめのゴルフ場・・・直前予約可能のゴルフ場や早割クーポン付のゴルフ場を選べます。Push通知を設定しておくと、新着情報が掲載されたら、いち早くお知らせいたします。「ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン(GDO)」のゴルフ場予約アプリはこんな方にオススメ!・ゴルフが好きで、全国のゴルフ場を簡単に検索・予約できるアプリを探している・ひとりでの予約やゴルフコンペでの予約など、シーンに合わせてゴルフ場を探したい・ゴルフ場のプレー料金が割引になるクーポンでゴルフ場を予約したい・前日でもゴルフ場予約ができるアプリを探している・いつもゴルフ場に直接電話して予約しているので、時間を気にせずアプリで簡単に予約したい・たまには行ったことのないコースを試してみたいので、多くのゴルフ場から検索できるアプリを探したい「ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン(GDO)」のゴルフ場予約アプリが選ばれ続ける理由!・予約したいゴルフ場の検索が簡単にできる・お気に入りのゴルフ場を登録できて、検索・予約がしやすい・詳細検索で条件に合ったゴルフ場が見つかる・1人予約専用の検索機能があるから簡単に検索できて便利・「GDOユーザーのスコアデータ分析」があるからコース選びに便利・各ゴルフ場の天気予報が見れるから、安心して予約できる・「超!直前」予約なら、各ゴルフ場ごとに最大10日間の天気予報が見れて、週末ゴルフや急な予約にピッタリ・急な天気の乱れがあっても検索・予約しやすいから、代わりのゴルフ場がすぐ見つかる・スコア入力が驚くほど簡単!な「GDOスコア」と連携できるから、各方面であなたをサポート「ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン(GDO)」の便利なところをまとめると・お気に入りの条件や天気に考慮した検索で、あなたの希望に合うゴルフ場を予約。しかも簡単・1人予約にもコンペ予約にも使える便利なゴルフ場予約アプリ・スコア記録に優れた「GDOスコア」と連携できて、あなたのゴルフライフを応援【注意事項】 ・すでにPC/モバイルで会員登録済みの方は、既存のID・パスワードをご利用いただけます・タブレット型端末は動作保証対象外です(一部のタブレットではご利用いただけません)It is a golf course reservation application of Japans largest golf portal site "Golf Digest Online (GDO)".You can easily search for and reserve golf courses that meet your requirements from more than 2,000 golf courses nationwide.Please use it for various golf scenes such as golf with friends on holidays, golf with one person reservation, golf with company friends. ◆ Features of Golf Course Reservation App ◆ 1. 1. Japans largest! You can make a 24-hour reservation from more than 2000 golf courses nationwide.2. One-person reservations and competition reservations are also possible. You can search for a golf course with your favorite conditions and play style3. 3. Get quick push notifications of great deals such as time sales and campaigns ◇ Golf course search In addition to basic information such as date, area, and price, you can specify conditions according to your preference, such as play style and golf course evaluation.In addition, the previously searched conditions are automatically saved, so you can easily specify the same conditions to search. ◇ Golf course reservation for one person "Golf reservation service for one person" that does not require troublesome adjustments such as checking the schedule of companions and selecting a golf course.A search function that allows you to search for golf courses that can be reserved by one person has also appeared in the app. ◇ HOT PRICE (cheap play ticket sales) "HOT PRICE" is a cheap play ticket sales service for those who want to play golf at a great price.You can buy cheap tickets exclusively for GDO. ◇ Recommended content A lot of sale information for a limited time and content that is fun to read are posted.Those who are worried about choosing a golf reservation place.Popular golf course ranking: You can search for golf courses in order of the number of reservations or golf difficulty.Recommended golf course at the time of play: You can choose a golf course that can be reserved immediately before or a golf course with an early discount coupon.If you set up push notifications, we will notify you as soon as new information is posted.The golf course reservation app of "Golf Digest Online (GDO)" is recommended for these people!・ I like golf and am looking for an app that allows me to easily search and reserve golf courses nationwide.・ I want to find a golf course that suits the scene, such as making a reservation by myself or making a reservation at a golf competition.・ I want to reserve a golf course with a coupon that gives a discount on the golf course play fee.・ Im looking for an app that allows me to make golf course reservations even the day before.・ I always call the golf course directly to make a reservation, so I want to make a reservation easily with the app without worrying about the time.・ Sometimes I want to try a course I have never been to, so I want to find an app that can be searched from many golf courses.The reason why the golf course reservation app of "Golf Digest Online (GDO)" continues to be selected!・ You can easily search for the golf course you want to reserve.・ You can register your favorite golf course, making it easy to search and make reservations.・ A golf course that meets the conditions can be found by advanced search・ Since there is a search function dedicated to single-person reservations, it is easy to search and convenient.・ Convenient for course selection because there is "GDO user score data analysis"・ Because you can see the weather forecast for each golf course, you can make a reservation with confidence.・ If you make a "super! Immediately before" reservation, you can see the weather forecast for up to 10 days at each golf course, which is perfect for weekend golf and sudden reservations.・ Since it is easy to search and make reservations even if the weather is suddenly disturbed, you can quickly find an alternative golf course.・ Score input is surprisingly easy! Supports you in every direction because it can be linked with the "GDO score"To summarize the useful points of "Golf Digest Online (GDO)"・ Book a golf course that suits your needs by searching according to your favorite conditions and weather. And easy・ A convenient golf course reservation app that can be used for both single-person reservations and competition reservations.・ Support your golf life by linking with "GDO Score", which has excellent score recording.【Precautions】 ・ If you have already registered as a member on PC / mobile, you can use your existing ID and password.・ Tablet-type terminals are not covered by the operation guarantee (not available on some tablets)
very useful
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Good app